If you can't take the truth about what makeup companies do to animals & makes you queasy, maybe you shouldn't be buying products that aren't cruelty free.
Because news flash: NON cruelty free products are being TESTED on animals? What does that mean exactly?! It means that they ABUSE the animals, If you have children or pets at home, would you want THEM abused by makeup companies? Treated like rats?!
By buying those products, that's EXACTLY what you're telling the companies. It's OK to test on animals. And if I mention I don't like animal abuse, and that makes you queasy, maybe you should not buy products that promote abuse.
I didn't know that there were companies that did testing on animals. I don't buy those products KNOWING they were tested on animals but after people informed me about it, I didn't keep buying those awful products. I bought products that weren't.
I love that i tried to give people an alternative to makeup brands that are cruelty free & I get yelled at for it. They claim they weren't being rude but sending me "don't stand you soapbox sprouting the truth" bs is being rude.
I only said that I wouldn't use those brands b/c they're not CF, and they test on animals. That i love bunnies. I didn't go into what they do to the animals, I didn't show them a video but they continued to send me DMs telling me that I need to shut my mouth about that stuff.
If you feel the need to cal me out, or send me DMs, then clearly the whole abuse to animals bugs you too and you won't admit it. I later blocked her b/c I was sick of her fifty DMs telling me that "really proud" (which I'm sure is super sarcastic) that I'm CF but I shouldn't judge her for not being one.
I didn't say anything that was judging her! I never mentioned that at all. Now that she got so uppity & kept being rude by sending me tons of DMs yeah I'm judging you now. Clearly, that is an issue with YOURSELF not me. You worry about others think of you. Worry more about the animals you let get abused by buying such shitty products!
Wow you got 20 things of makeup for 70 cents big whoop! Did you think of the thousands of animals that got abused in the process? No, that must make you queasy & makes you feel uncomfortable to think of the truth huh? Sorry if I have morals! Sorry if I'm smarter than you & think of others, unlike you who just wants to get a good deal!
News Flash: I get TONS of good deals from CF brands! Look for those deals why don't you? Like wet n wild, too faced, (for now till estee lauder does something to change that, damn them for buying that brand!), essence, catrice, ulta brand, etc. ALL drugstore brands that sell for a cheap price, but they are good quality!
I can find tons of deals on products that aren't tested on animals. If you get easily offended by me mentioned that those are tested on animals, maybe you're the problem not me! You're the one who thinks it's completely OK for poor defenseless animals to be treated in such a manner. Well I don't! I wasn't even aware that makeup brands even tested on animals till someone told me. I had no idea but when I did, I changed my mi9nd. I stopped buying non CF products, I buy only CF products. I won't touch non CF brands! Not even for a second! There are some K beauty brands like yadah that are 100% natural. They are based overseas but their products are natural. Nothing in those products are harmful to humans or animals. They're not a Japanese based company. I do know that they don't like the rule on animals testing, but they are an alternative to people overseas that want CF products, and want naturally made ones.
What am I asking? THINK before you just buy something b/c it's cheap and on sale! Think before you just buy that new lipsticks, or try that new color b/c everyone thinks it's the hotness! Don't be a sheep, be ahead of the flock & buy reasonably. If all products showed animal abuse/testing on the covers would you buy it?! Nope, 100% positive you'd put down that lipsticks or that new foundation and buy a brand that didn't have it on the cover. Think if makeup brands had to do that by law? Guess what? Things are changing the makeup community, companies are hearing our pleads to stop hurting animals and make their products better.
SO you don't care? OK, fine I'll tell you this then. That new lipstick, foundation, blush you just bought do you know what's in there?! Are those chemicals that are going on your face are going to be harmful to you?! Most likely if you're using non CF products, yes they are. You see, CF products go through a lot more testing. They are natural, vegan and 100% safe. That means, that they didn't need to test it on a poor defenseless animal because they know they're safe for our faces. But brands like covergirl, maybelliene those aren't safe for your face. Have you used those products before & smelled the chemical smell that they have? Yeah those chemicals you smell, they're toxins on your skin! They will make you sick and those toxins/toxic formula has already made a lot of people sick. If you don't care about animals, so you buy non cf, think of it this way; do you want unsafe products on your face?! If that answer is yes, then don't buy such shitty products! Buy CF that way you know what's going on your face & what's not! THINK before you just blindly buy b/c someone said it works.
Sorry I just had to vent! If you don't like CF products & are offended by my post, think to yourself do you want animals abused? Do you think that's ok?
Are You Crueltry Free, If Not You SHould Be!
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