A great way to save money is to do DIYs. I LOVE creating something with my own two hands and using it later for myself. I first started doing DIYs because I wanted to know what was in the products that I was using. Now, I use DIYs because they are more cost efficient (since you use stuff that you already have in your own home) and they save you a lot of money, since you're not buying extra stuff you don't already have. If a DIY asks for something that you don't already have, substitute it. I often look up DIY this or that, but say subsitute the x or y for something else. Hopefully, my search results come with up with something that I do indeed have.
I wanted to make bath bombs at home because let's face it, we all love them and they are super expensive to buy. I have a massive tub (it's really a jacuzzi type of type but without the bubbles, that's where the bath bombs come in), so I can't just use one bath bomb. I need at least 3 or 4. Using so many was costing a lot of money. So, the other week I had a few Amazon gift cards that I got. I decided to look at vipon.com deals & see if I can find a code for DIY bath bomb kit then use my gift card for the rest. They typically have 50% off codes with good reviews on Amazon so I found one. This kit comes with about 12 pieces including a ton of molds as well as measuring spoons and all you can use to make your own at home. Well other than a recipe, that was missing but I just googled that.
I found this recipe that did not have citrus acid. I do not have citrus acid in my house but instead I do have cream of tartar (OK I did till I just used it up in this recipe), so I went to work using that recipe. It was super easy to make and super fun. I did put too much blue dye in but my food coloring isn't drops they're gel so they are different then those. I have to put more in the recipe calls for or else it won't look right or it won't get enough color. I ended up making about 5 or 6 of them. The recipe said it would make only 1 normal sized bath bomb but I either must have done it wrong so their recipe is a bit off. Nevertheless, my recipe came out great.
I also made a half of one which I used to test how well or how bad it came out. I used it in my sink & filled it up some water (didn't want to get the bath water ready if it wasn't going to be worth the effort & waste too much water. Once again, my tub is massive!) & put my hand in the water. It did turn the sink water blue a light blue color. Now I'm not sure if that's because it wasn't set for 24 hours (recipe says let them stand for 24 hours in a non tight container) or if it was because I accidentally used too much food coloring. It does not matter because turning the bath water a color is fine. I've had bath bombs do that to me so that's not a problem. What I was worried about is will it turn my hand blue, and it did not. So that's a huge plus in my book! When I took my hand out, my hand felt very soft and moisturized. So the bath bomb did its job.
If you look at the picture, my DIY bath bomb kit came with the biggest bath bomb mold that I have EVER seen! I've never seen a bath bomb that big in my life! Next time, I do think that I will make more of the bigger ones but I thought I was gonna try out a few molds the first time. Mine also came with ones to make hearts, starfish and a shell. I plan to try to make funky colors and use the other types of bath bombs next time. I was gonna start another batch but I ran out of cream of tartar & like I said, I had no citrus acid so that was a no go.
I do plan on doing a bunch of DIY projects every so often so you guys can see all the wonderful things that you can make at home without having to spend extra $$ on things. I have one for a face powder that's a DIY but you do have to buy the arrowroot powder but that lasts a VERY long time, much longer then any other powder would. It is very soft and it really helps your makeup to stay matte.
I hope you enjoyed my DIY & hope that you do the recipe as well. If you do have citrus acid at home, you can look up that recipe. I also found out after I made it with cream of tartar that you can use lemon juice instead for the recipe. It works just as good. I'll definitely keep that in mind next time I need to make them!
Great post! I am trying to get into making moremthings at home for skincare and cleaning. I go through pinteret to find ideas. I'm going to check out the bath kit because its crazy how expensive they are and I would love to make my own scents since I have a ton of essential oils I could use! Thanks for sharing 🙂