Updates & More Of Them

I know that I don't post much, that I tend to wait weeks and weeks (even months) before I post stuff in here. But I do want to make more of an effort to post here more often. I'll do some real posts (like my last one) as well as some makeup budget or just budget friendly things. Whether it's for makeup or just for saving money in general.

I hope you enjoy it, thanks for listening!

Why I Quit Instagram

Ok, so I know what you're thinking? Quit, wait what? Let me explain before I get some nasty emails or comments. 

I left IG because of a few things, it wasn't just one thing. It was a lot of things actually. I used to have this friend that I talked to a lot, she always said that we were closer then we were really were (sorry but I never thought that way, I tend not to trust people because they always let me down & I'm usually right). She started getting "popular" on IG (which isn't really popularity but I'll get into that just wait), her posts were getting a lot of comments, likes, etc. She was getting more followers & unfollowing a lot of people because they weren't cool enough in her eyes I guess. I don't know, whatever the reason it got to head. She started acting different. She started thinking that her shit don't stink and that she was the best thing out there. She was untouchable and cool. Hell for all I know, she still does (not the point). When she stared changing, acting like someone who wasn't herself I just thought she's been through a lot and she's acting up. That should have only lasts a few weeks, she should have turned back to herself. But she never did! She got worse and worse (once again, I don't know how she is today because I no longer go on there much and I don't follow her anymore), to the point where she was no longer my friend but some robot character. I understand that when life happens and things are hard, you react to them. But not to the point where you fuck your "friends" over and treat them like shit.

She no longer talked to me anymore, and started hanging out with the "cooler" kids on IG. The ones that are more popular pages like hers. She started getting the attitude that she is so much better then rest of us that she started acting like the cool kids at the school. She started making fun of others that don't wear or use high end makeup & putting down low end. She got some products to test and got an even bigger head. The more followers she gets, the bigger her head has gotten. Her photos are pretty much stock photos of products that she gets. She spends most of her free time, (what little she has of it) on IG liking, commenting and spamming every single person on her followers list (all except me because I no longer cool) to the point where she gets banned for doing that too much. While I understand being connected to your followers is good to get free stuff, but to the point where you are using generic sayings like "this is so cool" or "wow great job" or "wow this is great" all generic and ALL the same comments that she writes for everyone's posts that day. She either copies and pastes them, or she's just remembers what she writes on all posts for that day. I've seen other people's photos & her comments are all generic and nothing related to the photos. Like if a person did a review on a product, she would write this product is great. But that has zero to do with the photo! Or what the details say! I rank zero on her list so I didn't even get a comment, just a like because I'm ok for a like but a comment? I'm not the queen of IG, so I rank nothing on her list. RME

I know what you're thinking, why is that a good reason to leave IG tho? Well, there's more to the story then just this so hold on! Ok so she was a total bitch! I got over it and our "friendship". All she is fake! Nothing about her is real and she uses people like they're paper towels. Lies to them and deceives them to get sympathy and free stuff. SMH sorry but how is that honest? I don't know how companies trust her for her "honest" review or opinion on products if all she does is lie! She even told me that when she does product tests or tries to qualify for them she tells them whatever they want to hear. She's got kids, sure (even if she doesn't), she's single (she's married), etc. you get the point. How is that an HONEST review or opinion? When I do reviews or give my advice, or opinion on ANY product(s), it's 100% honest! Even if I got it free and the item sucks, I don't lie. I've told companies that this or that wasn't working for me. I've been brutally honest and companies have even private messaged me on twitter, facebook, etc. to ask me what I would do to the product(s) to change them to make them better. I mean how cool is that?! I give them my 100% honest answer and they appreciate it. I even product tested some non cruelty free items & said that I hated the fact that they weren't CF & the company said that they are working towards becoming certified by 2023, global thing but still they are working on it. My point is, if she's going to lie and tell companies dishonest information how can I trust a "friend" like that?! I've run across a few people like her in the past too. All super fake, just cares about how many Facebook, IG, Twitter followers she has, not about having substance in her friends. Just the numbers matter to her. I'm all about trying to get free stuff to product test and try out, but I won't lose my integrity to do it! She thinks popularity is more important then the value of friendship. Sad really! I actually feel sorry for her!

That was reason #1, I've got a few reasons why I left IG. I started to be like her, I was getting a lot of comments, likes and more followers on IG. I also got more on my twitter, facebook too but not as much as IG. I started to join these chats "groups". They call them groups but they're really just chats, they don't have groups on IG. It's not like FB where you can join a group, make one or add remove people, that's not an option on there yet. I don't think that will ever be one, because FB has it better in that aspect. Anyways, I started to join these chats and the whole purpose of these chats were for people to comment with 4+ words & like the post too. EVERY post that was made, that means if a person posted 10 photos that day, you HAD to comment with 4 words (not including emojiis & like EVERY post) because if you didn't, they'd stop liking and commenting on your posts. You can't remove someone from a chat, no they have to remove themselves from it. Or you just create a new one (I've done this and trust me, it's a lot of hard work and there's always drama no matter WHO you add so I'm so done with those. They're purely a waste of time and just there to make fake friends so you get higher numbers. Be more fake and get more fake people to like your falseness. God, it's so exhausting!) to get rid of the person(s) that was causing this issue. 

These chats have at least 20 people in them, maybe more I don't remember but there's a lot of people that you need comment, like and be active in the chats. To do that, you need to be on your IG or notifications on ALL day! I mean I got notifications from them starting at midnight & it didn't end! There was a back log of chats that I missed while I was living my life. When I finally had some free time, I commented & liked as much as I could (but even then, it wasn't good enough to them!! They complained constantly how I'm not active, or that I don't like or comment on all the posts, how I'm such a bad IG "friend". RME). I did my best and still that was NEVER good enough. I tried my hardest and using up all my time to comment, like and be active in all the chat talk, it was taking up too much of my life. It was eating away at me slowly having to be so "perfect" having to figure out how to say "wow that's so pretty" without being a robot. After awhile, all looks just look the exact same just with a different eyeshadow color. There was NOTHING different about them at all!! It was like I was looking at a carbon copy of one picture and it was being copied over and over again, with no difference! It was beyond draining & I was becoming someone I didn't even like anymore. I didn't even recognize myself! 

What do I mean? Well I was getting comments and likes too, like I said. To the point where the comments & likes were giving me a big head, an ego. Like my shit don't stink because so many people liked my posts, or commented about how pretty I am. While I am not complaining about being pretty, I'm complaining about how they were all fake! But I didn't notice this, I just kept posting looks or pics on IG thinking I'm some damn rock star because people "like me" they totally like my thoughts, words, and photos, plus look at all the nice comments about how I look, I'm "popular" yay go me. Doesn't that sound nice?! It was for awhile... Till i got sick of all the fake praise and I started noticing a pattern. People were saying the exact same thing that they said to me, as they said to other girls in the group. Copy & paste their comments (just like my "friend" does) so they don't get into trouble and make it look like they're getting more comments, likes and love then they really are. I saw how no matter what I posted, said, took the time to review, people didn't bother to READ my posts! They just wrote "wow you're so pretty, great hair" etc. it was all just some fake bullshit to make them look in the chats that they are in. While other people might like that sort of thing, I don't. 

Then I got a very bad stomach flu/bug, and I wasn't on any site for a week maybe more. During that time, no one and I mean NO ONE asked me how I was. What I was up to, how I'd been or even cared if I died! That hurts I must tell you. That's also another thing that I noticed. These people were entirely fake! Even the ones that I thought were really cool and had my back. They didn't, they weren't my friends! They were just people who were in some dumb chats with me. Doing what they agreed to do, write 4+ word comment & like all my posts. That's not real, that's not a real friendship at all! That's just going through the motions. Acting as if you care, but not really caring. I did have friends who actually did care what happened to me. That sent me messages asking me what's up or what i've been up to. Because they cared! Not those people in those chats. They only care about themselves and how many followers they have. I'm so sick of it all! 

Not only that, but commenting, liking all these people in these chats, was taking up all my time! I do not work, but I do take care of the home. I have a lot of stuff to do every day, and these chats were getting in the way of getting it all done. Others whom have jobs, I wonder what they are compromising by being in these chats. Their peace, their free time, work they should be doing but they gotta comment on this post or else? I don't know but I couldn't keep up with all of it. I had to give up and move on. When I was super active on there, I was spending all my time on IG & not doing stuff around the house like I need to. Cleaning the house, washing the dishes, doing laundry, taking care of emails, doing product tests reviews (I almost got into huge trouble for being late on a review because I "didn't have the time") baking, cooking meals, etc. While I may not have a big paying job, I still kick butt around my house and do a lot around here! My husband works full time from 6 am (depending if dealers text, or call them that early or not) til 9pm maybe even later depending on what his jobs needs. So I pick up the slack and do things that he normally would pitch in if he wasn't making all the money in the house. I do get free stuff (product tests), win gift cards, do surveys (earning points towards free stuff), so it's not l like I'm sitting around doing nothing all day long!  Ok, I was doing that on IG for a long time but that got so draining. All the work that I had to do around here, was getting put on the back burner. 

It wasn't really getting done at all and I looked at myself, took a REALLY good look at myself and didn't like the person I was seeing. This girl who got way too cocky about her looks. Thinking her shit don't stink, it's not me and not the person I want to be either. When you turn into someone you no longer like, someone you don't even know anymore, that's when you gotta change! That's when you need to step back and assess your life. I did and I didn't like the person I was becoming. I was taking selfie after selfie, posting them on IG thinking how beautiful I look (not saying that now I think that I'm totally ugly, not the point here), how all these people will adore what I post and how I look. They will be like you're so gorgeous wow! Yes, they still would say that but that wouldn't be real. It's all a copy cat version of everyone's posts, over and over again. With zero change in words or care to what they are saying. It's all generic and fake. 

What's funny is that these "friends" that I had on IG, I've never heard from them after I left the chats. Not only of them sent me a message asking me what happened to me, what's new, what's going on? etc. NONE, not one single person even cared. Just like when I was sick with flu/bug. None of them even bothered to reach out to me. To even care to comment on my posts, or like them after I left the chats. Because I was no longer cool, I was no longer in the cool kids so I'm therefore, not worth their time anymore. It's so sad because some of those people I actually thought cared for me. Thought that they were my friends, but sadly they never were. When I've tried to reach out to them, I get no response. They don't even care to comment to me. As if I'm all of a sudden nothing or below them.

I've been in groups on FB, where they talk about makeup and those people actually do care about me. They commented and liked what I had to say. Even had people in other places say that they appreciated my thoughts, comments, advice, etc. That's how I know that these chats are just popularity contest and a complete waste of your time.

Hairby Facial Cleansing Brush: Review!

Today seems to be the day for me to do reviews, hope you're enjoiying them cause here's another! 

I got this Hairby Facial Cleansing Brush, Silicone Face Brush Sonic Electric Face Cleanser Negative Ions Massager System for Skin Clean  from vipon with a code to order this 1/2 off, I also had Amazon gift cards in my account, so this was free for free. 

I have been using this brush for a few weeks now and since it's been a few weeks, I decided to give a review on it. First, I'll explain what it does and how to use it then I'll tell you my thoughts on this product. 

How to use:

First wet your face, then add your favorite face cleanser (I personally love yesto tomatoes charcoal bar soap cause it lasts a long time, as well as works very well at keeping my pimples at bay) then turn on this device. The button in the middle turns it on, the left and right buttons (or nobs) make it go up or down on the setting. I tend to use the upper button twice to make it go faster. I do not time how long that i use this but about a few seconds or so. I read on other reviews that they used it for a minute, maybe I do for a minute I'm not sure because I am not looking at clock when I do it. I just use for awhile and when I feel like I've washed my skin as good as I feel that I have, in tiny circles I stop. I use the front for my cheeks, forehead and chin. I use the top for my nose and the back sometimes if I feel like it needs extra attention or if I have some makeup on that is hard to get off without doing extra cleaning. 

During the morning, I use this when I get up and it works great. I haven't had to charge it enough though I've been using this twice a day for a few weeks now. At night, when I have makeup on I will use a wet makeup remover cloth (Ulta has some amazing ones) and take off my eye makeup first. Then after I've got all the eyeliner off my lids then (that tends to stick around longer), I use my facial cleanser (sometimes at night i use my St Ives stick and other times I use my yesto tomatoes bar, depends if I'm washing my face in the shower or if I"m washing my face at the sink). 

I have combination skin, oily in my T zone & normal on my cheeks. Which is rather hard to find products that work on both areas without making either breakout or making one part of my face too dry or irritated. This works well to keep away my pimples and if I do break out (happens around that time of the month) this will quickly get rid of them and keep them from coming back next time. 

So if you are looking for a facial brush that will cleanse your face without having to buy those heads and making it cost too much money, buy this! it works great and it looks super cute in your bathroom! <3

Physicians Formula Butter Hightlighter: Review

 As you can see, I've been using my physician's formula highlighter for a little while, and I've already hit pan* (in case you don't know what pan means it means when you've hit the bottom of the product aka hit pan). I've only been using this for a few days after my last highlighter hit pan and it seemed to dry up very soon after that. Which is rather depressing if you ask me. I do not mind when i hit pan, that means I can use a new highlighter from my stash. What depresses me is that it took no time for the highlighter to dry up after hitting  pan. It no longer smoothed out, but that's another brand entirely. Not worth mentioning the name!

 Now this highlighter the butter highlighter from PF, is different. Sadly hitting pan, but I will say the color on  it look amazing! My cheeks, lips, eyelids, etc. where ever I put this on, it looks amazing! It has a definite shine to it! I didn't get a picture of me wearing it yet but I will update when I do officially hit pan and I"ll update you on what I really liked it about and if there was something that I didn't like about it. Right now, I've only been using it for a few days when I hit pan. Which is surprising because I'm really not using that much product, just normal amount on my cheeks as well as my nose and above my lip. So this was surprising to hit pan so fast. If you do not like the smell of coconut (which I do not) this might not be the best highlighter for you. It has a strong smell to it and it can be overwhelming if you do not like coconut. Since this product looks so good on me, I will let the fact that it doesn't smell the best to me slide because it looks amazing on my skin.

 If you couldn't tell, I"m pale as fuck! So I need a highlighter that will really show up on my skin. A lot of them are not made equal and they do show up well on my pale skin. Some look gorgeous though but others don't give me that shine and make my cheeks look amazing. I mostly wear it on my cheeks, I very rarely (un less I'm posting selfies on IG) put it on my nose or above my lip. When I'm going out, I just want some shimmer not a ton. I'll do a swatch as well as a selfie when I hit pan in the next few weeks, if it lasts that long. I'm hoping it does.

 How much does this cost? $9.67 at Walmart & Target, Ulta has it for $12.99. I got mine at CVS for $3 after a $10 CVS bucks plus I had a coupon on my card for $7 dollars off. In the end, they paid me to buy this! If you want a good bargain on makeup, I'd suggest going to either Walgreens (I'm not a huge fan of this place because they do not let you stack coupons), or CVS. You can get special deals with their app as well as stack coupons, get emails from them to add % off your order to your card every week. Look at the flyer, see when there is a sale for a product or brand that you want and buy it then! NEVER buy it full price, there will always be a sale! *PRO TIP*

 Now you must be asking yourself, will she buy it again? The answer to that is yes I would. If I saw it on sale, had coupons, yes I would buy this again but NOT unless it was on sale. Otherwise, I would pass and find something that is one sale. Remember Physicians Formula IS cruelty free, for those that are not into animal testing.

 Have you tried this product? Does it work for you? Do you like the smell? Or is to off putting to you?

Xtava Hair Straightener: REVIEW

Thanks @xtavaofficial for letting me test this this hair straightener for free. I do have naturally straight hair, but I do have times where it gets wavy & curly ( humidity) this works great at making my hair straight again. 

You can find this at https://www.amazon.com/xtava-Infrared-Flat-Iron-Straightener/dp/B00RFWKUWO/
#instahair #hairgoals #xtava #xtanahai #xtavastyling #xtabahairstraghtener ##ad #productreview #sponsored #honestreview ##reviewdirectory

No More Palette Roulette Challenge For Me

On IG, I was doing a palette roulette challenge. What is that ask? Every week you take a palette and you do many looks with that one palette. When I first started this project a year ago (or close to it), it was fun for awhile. Coming up with all these new looks and having to make this look better the last and ONLY using one eyeshadow palette per week. Which started out as a fun way to use up my palettes and get them into a mix. Use them more often and try to finish them off. After months on end, I've finally hit the last of my palettes. 

The challenge was fun and it definitely made me struggle and work to make every look different from the last. Which was actually a cool challenge but after awhile, I just got sick of doing it. I was sick of having to only use one  palette per week. When I've got other palettes that I could use for a base, or a highlight or that would match this look so much but I was handcuffed to one palette whether I liked it or not. Sure I had fun, but it just got like work and no longer exciting. It also didn't help that I don't have a ton palettes. While I do have about maybe 20 palettes (I'll have to check that number tomorrow) to work with, a lot of them were kinda of the same. Whether I got them in a Boxycharm box or whether it was from gifts from people. Now I'm not saying that I'm grateful for people buying me presents, that's not it at all. I was just bored of having to use only one palette after almost a year of this challenge.

What did I learn from this challenge? A lot actually! I learned that instead of me using the same palette over and over every day, that I have other brands, other palettes and other shades that I could use instead of always turning to that one palette. I promised myself that when I stopped doing this palette challenge that I would use a new palette every day or at least realize that I have more options for looks. I have used several palettes after stopping this challenge in my looks. Colors that go together with certain looks that look rather amazing together, not just separately. 

Below are one palette that never got into my challenge that I wanted to feature today. It's all this one palette look. I got this from a penpal of mine in Canada. She sent me this palette one time and I am so sorry that I never go the chance to feature it, so that's what I"m doing now. I also learned doing this challenge, how to do swatches like the pros do. My swatch game has gotten much better and more clearer then it used to be.My thoughts on this palette you ask? I love how shimmery they are, how they look on me as well as how they maybe a neutral palette but it has such great shimmer to it and wonderful pigmentation. They blend like a dream but they do have some fallout, so you may want to use an eyeshadow shield or a post it note or notecard to keep that off your face. Other than that minor issue, I STILL love this palette a lot! Thank you for sending this to me Ava! <3

Please enjoy the look that I did today and be sure to keep an eye out on this blog for more looks coming up! I'll even post a few looks that I've done the past for you to view and have pleasure looking at. 

Have a good day all! <3

 Makeup Revolution Essential Matte 2 Palette
Swatches From Makeup Revolution Essentials Matte 2 Palette
Eyes Closed Look with Makeup Revolution Essentials Matte 2 palette

Eyes Closed Look with Makeup Revolution Essentials Matte 2 palette